Saturday, May 26, 2012

sibling rivalry series.

Recently I discovered a box of old photos mostly black and white images of my siblings and extended family.

As I looked closely at these, I was flooded with memories that I had totally forgotten.   Backyards, cars, kitchens, beaches etc were all coming back to me..
Now I am painting from these images, and so much emotion for these people and places are coming through in my work. I am really enjoying this series..


  1. I like these - and would like more details - how big? what surface? difficult to keep working while the minds flooded with memories?

    1. different sizes...mostly 14x11, some 11x8.. not sure of the final dimensions..will crop and frame once I decide on board/ color and mats...
      mixed media...oil, charcoal conte on duralar...
      thx for checking out my blog.
